Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
pitchisaurusrex DeepBot
pitty__bot DeepBot
pixelator_bot DeepBot
pixelbypixel_bot Marbles on Stream
pixelcafebot DeepBot
pixelcroupier DeepBot
pixeledbot DeepBot
pixelexiq DeepBot
pixelhelfer DeepBot
pixelschubse DeepBot
pixelschubserbot DeepBot
pixelsgamingbot Pixels Gaming
pixelspal Unknown (click to correct)
pixeltheyarndragon DeepBot
pixeltrixerbot DeepBot
pixelunitybot DeepBot
pixisregister DeepBot
piyabot DeepBot
pizzabot2020 DeepBot
pizzadelivery01_bot DeepBot
pizzariadothron DeepBot
pjaybot DeepBot
pklownbot DeepBot
plaengg DeepBot
plaetner_tv DeepBot
plagueis_the_wise DeepBot
plagueminion Unknown (click to correct)
plainbot DeepBot
planbot1987 DeepBot
planetdex DeepBot
planetenbot DeepBot
planetkeybot DeepBot
planet_fury DeepBot
planktonlivebot DeepBot
platinbot DeepBot
platinuman78 ModBot
platinum_bot21 DeepBot
plattfuss96 DeepBot
platythe2nd DeepBot
plat_bot DeepBot
plaugebot DeepBot
playabot1 Streamlabs Chatbot
playbetterdog Unknown (click to correct)
playc4_bot DeepBot
playcommsbot DeepBot
playerunknwnn ModBot
playerzbot DeepBot
playingaraberbot DeepBot
playwithviewersbot Play With Viewers
plebb0t DeepBot