Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
pokemoncommunitygame Pokémon Community Game
pokerinabox DeepBot
pokers_bot DeepBot
poker_gambitbot ModBot
poke_brother DeepBot
pokiebot DeepBot
pokimanespuffynips DeepBot
polarbearb0t DeepBot
polarbeargodfather DeepBot
polbot_ DeepBot
polebot AOAAGoldBot
poliwogbot DeepBot
polizeiaufgebot Unknown (click to correct)
polliemusprime DeepBot
pollmapebot Poll Mape
pollybotter DeepBot
pollywally31 ModBot
polonskibot DeepBot
polskadevbot DeepBot
poltergeistthebot DeepBot
polyhaterbot DeepBot
pomfbot DeepBot
pondworth DeepBot
poniponibot ModBot
pooch_bot DeepBot
poodleclub DeepBot
poofybot DeepBot
pookachu_bot DeepBot
pookie89_bot DeepBot
pookie_bot DeepBot
poolreiniger_bot DeepBot
pooparocbot DeepBot
popcoins Unknown (click to correct)
popcornny DeepBot
popebenedictbot DeepBot
popibot DeepBot
poptart_bott DeepBot
porcebot DeepBot
porgebot DeepBot
porkassbot DeepBot
porkchoptvbot DeepBot
porobotz DeepBot
porosheriff DeepBot
porphy_bot JopeBot
portahisbot DeepBot
portvalebot DeepBot
posadabot Unknown (click to correct)
poseidon_24h_bot DeepBot
poskokof Streamlabs Chatbot
possiebot DeepBot