Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
oantibot DeepBot
oasebot DeepBot
oasfbot DeepBot
oatdadbot DeepBot
oathxbot DeepBot
oath_b0tt DeepBot
obafemimoebusbot DeepBot
obebot DeepBot
obeesak DeepBot
oberkommando_okl DeepBot
oberrattebot DeepBot
obhab DeepBot
obibotkenobi DeepBot
obiscuitso Streamlabs Chatbot
obi_monkbot DeepBot
obliteratebot ModBot
oblivibott DeepBot
oblivicatorbot DeepBot
obote Node.js based
obscuribot DeepBot
obskyrrabot DeepBot
obsoletebot DeepBot
obstbot DeepBot
obstsammler DeepBot
obybot DeepBot
obzbot DeepBot
ocelbot Unknown (click to correct)
ocelobot Ocelobot
ockyshikiari DeepBot
oconerbot DeepBot
oconnerbot DeepBot
octo2 DeepBot
oct_o_bot DeepBot
ocularbot BarryCarlyon's Bot
odahbot DeepBot
oddbot DeepBot
oddbot_ DeepBot
oddgzbot Unknown (click to correct)
odditysbot DeepBot
oddysbot DeepBot
odebot Unknown (click to correct)
odilitobot DeepBot
odlbot DeepBot
odoptus77bot DeepBot
oekieebot DeepBot
oeuille_bot DeepBot
officerfriendly DeepBot
officerlawson DeepBot
officer_gorilla ModBot
officialbreakfastbot ModBot