Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
nukecasino DeepBot
nukeroxbot DeepBot
nukexbot DeepBot
nuklearboi DeepBot
nuklear_bot DeepBot
nullerbotten DeepBot
nullinside Cathy Twitch Bot
nullpointbot DeepBot
nurabot DeepBot
nurielle DeepBot
nursecharlotte DeepBot
nursepuffy DeepBot
nursetech DeepBot
nurse_bot Unknown (click to correct)
nurse_harley DeepBot
nur_der_bot DeepBot
nushbot DeepBot
nuss_bot DeepBot
nuss_das_bot DeepBot
nutavious Unknown (click to correct)
nuthlusbot Node.js based
nuthousewarden DeepBot
nutsbot_3ac DeepBot
nutshells1 ModBot
nutslammer Custom mIRC Script
nutterbotter DeepBot
nuttymcnutnut DeepBot
nutzloser_bot DeepBot
nutzybot DeepBot
nuutbot DeepBot
nvidia_tesla DeepBot
nwobot DeepBot
nxs917bot DeepBot
nxtrobot DeepBot
nyanta_bot DeepBot
nycterbot DeepBot
nyneek DeepBot
nyoxixbot DeepBot
nysbotto Streamlabs Chatbot
nytemarebot DeepBot
nyuubot1 Streamlabs Chatbot
nyxeirabot DeepBot
nyxx_tvbot Ultimate Twitch Bot
nyybot ModBot
n_a_e_v_i_a DeepBot
o10fpsbot DeepBot
o2gmodbot ModBot
o8o_mitsuko_o8o DeepBot
oakenbot DeepBot
oakminati Unknown (click to correct)