Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
n00bgamesbot DeepBot
n0mbot DeepBot
n0mln0ml DeepBot
n0rthbot DeepBot
n0vab0t DeepBot
n0xxb0t DeepBot
n1derbybot DeepBot
n1kiarx Unknown (click to correct)
n1klasbot DeepBot
n1ppobot DeepBot
n1tebot DeepBot
n3rdy_bot DeepBot
n3td3vbot DeepBot
n41k0nbot DeepBot
n4ir_bot DeepBot
n4n0tehbot DeepBot
n6n43hix DeepBot
n8hawkbot DeepBot
naabot Greenmarshmallow
naalabot DeepBot
nabbot DeepBot
nabotlul DeepBot
nabzbotz DeepBot
nachibot DeepBot
nachkinchenbot DeepBot
nachooobot DeepBot
nachosalatbot DeepBot
nachtzaehmer DeepBot
nackisbot DeepBot
nadebotjr DeepBot
nadimomino DeepBot
nadrastvbot DeepBot
nafiebot DeepBot
nafozbot DeepBot
nafybot DeepBot
nafydeep DeepBot
nagaandbot DeepBot
nagabotty DeepBot
nagelbot DeepBot
nagerviechbot DeepBot
naggirosvo DeepBot
nagromic DeepBot
naiibot DeepBot
naisdude DeepBot
najmyybot DeepBot
nakama_bot DeepBot
nakk_bot DeepBot
naknakbot DeepBot
nako_bot DeepBot
nalchensbot DeepBot