Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
nambotsoo Unknown (click to correct)
namelessfacelessbot DeepBot
namikobot DeepBot
naminamihabot DeepBot
namshoh DeepBot
nam_nam_bot Unknown (click to correct)
nanamibot DeepBot
nannybot87 DeepBot
nanny_goat DeepBot
nanodarbot DeepBot
nanogermanobot DeepBot
nanoionbot DeepBot
nanonobot pajbot
nanoprobot DeepBot
nanoxtvbot DeepBot
naobotass DeepBot
nappabot DeepBot
napperbot DeepBot
napperzbot DeepBot
nappybot DeepBot
naprasbot DeepBot
naptimenanny DeepBot
naptunbot Custom mIRC Script
narcolepticpolarbot ModBot
nargabot DeepBot
narkose_bot DeepBot
narmisbot DeepBot
narosbot DeepBot
nartwos_bot DeepBot
nartwos_goat_bot DeepBot
narwhalbawt DeepBot
naschkatze DeepBot
nasentelefon DeepBot
nasobot DeepBot
nastabot DeepBot
nastynationbot DeepBot
nastynation_bot DeepBot
nate23bot DeepBot
natebot Phantombot
natebrabot ModBot
nathaliebot DeepBot
nathans212_bot DeepBot
nathgriffbot DeepBot
nathiebot DeepBot
nati0n02 DeepBot
natobot DeepBot
natrly888 DeepBot
naturelvrbot DeepBot
naturesbot DeepBot
nautachancebot ModBot