Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
stalonebot DeepBot
standupbot DeepBot
stankbott DeepBot
stan_bot DeepBot
staplesbot DeepBot
stapsen DeepBot
starbeebot DeepBot
starbot32 DeepBot
starbot966 DeepBot
starbotdecepticon DeepBot
stargameslpbot DeepBot
stargeekbot Unknown (click to correct)
starlenabot DeepBot
starlinebot DeepBot
staroftexasbot Babblebot
starr91bot DeepBot
starshipconnecticutbot DeepBot
starskarl DeepBot
starskybot Streamlabs Chatbot
starsqueen_bot DeepBot
starsrobot Mix It Up
starsukb0t DeepBot
startbott ModBot
startrek524 Phantombot
staryj_s_schatten DeepBot
stary_dziad DeepBot
starz_bot DeepBot
static585bot DeepBot
staticinsane DeepBot
stationsecuritybot DeepBot
statistbot DeepBot
stayhealthybot StayHealthyBot
stayhydratedreminder StayHydratedReminder
stayp0sitive_ DeepBot
staypositive__ DeepBot
stay_hydrated_bot Stay Hydrated Bot
std_bot ModBot
steadybot ScorpBot
steadypicturesgamingbot DeepBot
steadysbot DeepBot
stealingyobot DeepBot
stealnobot DeepBot
stealsoulbot DeepBot
stealzbot DeepBot
steamidfinder steamidfinder
steampunkphoenixbot DeepBot
steampunk_bot DeepBot
steamymachine DeepBot
steam_bot DeepBot
steckerbot DeepBot