Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
skuggisbot DeepBot
skullbot DeepBot
skullhunterbot DeepBot
skullmod DeepBot
skullyrocks DeepBot
skullzbot DeepBot
skull_overlord DeepBot
skunkyboss DeepBot
skurybot DeepBot
skuselbot DeepBot
skuzzeybot DeepBot
skuzzybot DeepBot
skweakbot DeepBot
skybot__ DeepBot
skyboxbot DeepBot
skyclubchef DeepBot
skydaddybot DeepBot
skyfalls_bot DeepBot
skylordstyle DeepBot
skynet DeepBot
skynetasst DeepBot
skynet_drohne DeepBot
skynet_twitch_defense DeepBot
skyy_bot DeepBot
sk_sevenkingbot DeepBot
sl0thm4ch1n3 DeepBot
slaapstarbot DeepBot
slab_botbaby DeepBot
slach2bot DeepBot
slamocalypo DeepBot
slantedtoebot DeepBot
slappyhappytime DeepBot
slasherbotz DeepBot
slasher_bot DeepBot
slatbot DeepBot
slaughterhousebot DeepBot
slavbott DeepBot
slaxye_bot DeepBot
slayerjail DeepBot
slayerokie DeepBot
slaylairbot DeepBot
slayusbot DeepBot
slecnin_otrok DeepBot
sledg3rmod DeepBot
sledgehammer_37 DeepBot
sledgehog_bot DeepBot
sleepless_bot DeepBot
sleepplaybot DeepBot
sleepyynetbot DeepBot
slevbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.