Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
potb0t ModBot
poteitomaster DeepBot
potetochii DeepBot
potheadbot DeepBot
potion_bot DeepBot
potmbot ModBot
pottitbot DeepBot
potusratings DeepBot
poulpybot DeepBot
poundcakebot DeepBot
pounders_room_bot DeepBot
poundsbot DeepBot
pountachat DeepBot
poussin_ours DeepBot
power3zocktbot DeepBot
power3zockthelfer DeepBot
powerbot2015 DeepBot
powernetbot DeepBot
powlobot DeepBot
poyobot Unknown (click to correct)
poyobots DeepBot
pozibot DeepBot
ppgbot1 DeepBot
ppkbot DeepBot
ppwnbot DeepBot
pr0botz DeepBot
pradabot DeepBot
praedythbot DeepBot
praetorian117_bot DeepBot
praetorianbot DeepBot
praiibot DeepBot
praisethesunbot DeepBot
prakt1kant DeepBot
praktikantde DeepBot
praktikantin DeepBot
prawlnbot DeepBot
prawnhunterbot DeepBot
prawnslammer DeepBot
praxeabot DeepBot
praxicbot DeepBot
prayzedbot DeepBot
precise_bot ModBot
predat8rbot DeepBot
predatorbott DeepBot
predatorflyzzbot DeepBot
predictbot Monstercat
predictionkingshelper DeepBot
predokenkeeper DeepBot
predo___bot DeepBot
predsbot1 DeepBot