Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
assassin21_bot DeepBot
assassinfifabot DeepBot
assassin_00000 DeepBot
assidanny_bot DeepBot
assistantalora DeepBot
assistantpimp DeepBot
assistantpytez DeepBot
assistentin DeepBot
assistentin_ DeepBot
assistent_von_age DeepBot
assistoroboto DeepBot
assistus DeepBot
associateprofessor Unknown (click to correct)
assssstronaut DeepBot
ass_army_bot DeepBot
astaalbot ModBot
asteriusbot DeepBot
aster_bot DeepBot
astininho DeepBot
astrbot AstrBot
astrixbot DeepBot
astrobot Node.js based
astromech_r2d2 DeepBot
astronomibot AstronomiBot
astro_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
asxygirlgamer DeepBot
asybot2k DeepBot
asylumbot DeepBot
asylumguard DeepBot
asylummmbot DeepBot
asylumsecuritybot DeepBot
asylum_orderly ScorpBot
asylum_security Streamlabs Chatbot
async_bot DeepBot
atak_bot DeepBot
atbbot DeepBot
atebitbots DeepBot
athagen_bot DeepBot
athenasbot DeepBot
athe_bot DeepBot
athlomtv DeepBot
atiltedbot DeepBot
atirionjr DeepBot
atjego_bot DeepBot
atlasb0t DeepBot
atlas_butler DeepBot
atletbot DeepBot
atmozskybot DeepBot
atok030deepbot DeepBot
atomic5bot DeepBot