Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
rxsniper_bot DeepBot
rxzirbot DeepBot
rxztvbot DeepBot
rx_bot DeepBot
ry0bot DeepBot
ry3b0t DeepBot
ryanbotwastaken DeepBot
rydenbot Streamlabs Chatbot
rye_bot DeepBot
ryfoolrebels DeepBot
rykonabot DeepBot
rykonbot DeepBot
rykoonbot DeepBot
rykrbot ModBot
rykterbot ModBot
rylbot DeepBot
rymebot Mix It Up
rynnbot Unknown (click to correct)
ryokora DeepBot
rysbot DeepBot
ryssalbot DeepBot
ryuubot1 DeepBot
ryvickshalfbot DeepBot
ryvicksrechte DeepBot
ryzenstar DeepBot
ryzen_bot DeepBot
rzerobot DeepBot
s0k0_bot DeepBot
s0lbot DeepBot
s0lomondobot DeepBot
s0me_randy DeepBot
s11bot DeepBot
s1renbot DeepBot
s3ph11bot DeepBot
s3xynerdbot DeepBot
s4daze DeepBot
s4mb0tti DeepBot
s7evbot S7evbot
saaitvbot Phantombot
saarbotje DeepBot
saatan_trans Automatic Translator
saayael_bot DeepBot
sabagebot DeepBot
sabbiebot DeepBot
sabebot DeepBot
saberwonmodbot ModBot
sabiane DeepBot
sabobot_ DeepBot
sabojakebot DeepBot
sachielbot Streamlabs Chatbot