Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
allie__bot DeepBot
allirocksbot DeepBot
allknowinglemonpietv Streamlabs Chatbot
allocation DeepBot
alloyxuastapp Node.js based
allsaintsbot DeepBot
allseeingredbot DeepBot
allthelootsbot DeepBot
allucard300 DeepBot
allwardbot DeepBot
all_in_keeper DeepBot
almightyjesusbot DeepBot
almtybot DeepBot
aloc02 DeepBot
alodarbot DeepBot
alpacaptain DeepBot
alpasdealerbot DeepBot
alpen_heidi DeepBot
alpha187bot DeepBot
alphaaerdnueff DeepBot
alphaerdnuss DeepBot
alphakartoffeladmin DeepBot
alpharos DeepBot
alphasroyalguard DeepBot
alphathemessenger DeepBot
alpha_relay ScorpBot
alpha_wolfpack_bot DeepBot
alpha__banger DeepBot
alrachbot Unknown (click to correct)
alsahhimbot DeepBot
alsomyelin DeepBot
alsopurrbot Unknown (click to correct)
alsvidr47 DeepBot
altarbot DeepBot
alterexo DeepBot
altf4llerbot DeepBot
altginger DeepBot
altkate Phantombot
altpsychosis DeepBot
alttokenbot ModBot
altybot DeepBot
alubot43 DeepBot
alukina DeepBot
alu_bot GeoBot
alwaysbot AlwaysBot
alybot_ DeepBot
alzar_bot DeepBot
amarcodtvbot DeepBot
amart97bot DeepBot
amas_powerslave DeepBot