Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
x___ownedsbot DeepBot
y0shicsgo_bot DeepBot
yabathebot DeepBot
yabotsgotthis DeepBot
yaboysoul DeepBot
yackb0t DeepBot
yackfubot DeepBot
yakasubot DeepBot
yakinikubot DeepBot
yaksbot DeepBot
yankerbot DeepBot
yanuiwabot DeepBot
yaraghiya DeepBot
yarn_bot DeepBot
yasssbot DeepBot
yavabot DeepBot
yazaebot DeepBot
ybg_bot DeepBot
ydcbot DeepBot
yeahbot DeepBot
yee_yee_bot DeepBot
yelselbot DeepBot
yennbot DeepBot
yerrabot DeepBot
yeslikeabot DeepBot
yesof_course DeepBot
yes_i_am_the_bot DeepBot
yeul_bot DeepBot
yezzbot DeepBot
yfirebot DeepBot
yiishoon_bot DeepBot
yikesborg DeepBot
yingbotz DeepBot
yinyang_bot DeepBot
yirgacheffe_bot DeepBot
yisbot DeepBot
yitateebot DeepBot
ykz001bot DeepBot
ynlbot DeepBot
yobbieshammer DeepBot
yockdogsbot DeepBot
yodawgbot DeepBot
yogbot_ DeepBot
yogibot75 DeepBot
yogifambot DeepBot
yojinbobot DeepBot
yolanderbot DeepBot
yolotacobot DeepBot
yomiedabot DeepBot
yorkiebot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.