Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
sloppbot DeepBot
sloppyborg DeepBot
slotharmybot DeepBot
slothbot8 DeepBot
slothbottv DeepBot
slothhhbot DeepBot
slothtron DeepBot
slothycrewbot DeepBot
slouchbot ModBot
slovvlyybot DeepBot
slowpoke_sandra_bot DeepBot
slowslothbot DeepBot
slowton2 Unknown (click to correct)
sloxxbot DeepBot
slsclanmod DeepBot
slugbucks DeepBot
sluggerbot DeepBot
sluggl_o_bot Unknown (click to correct)
sluha_smecky DeepBot
sluicebot DeepBot
slumphbot DeepBot
slunksbot DeepBot
slurrreligion DeepBot
slushbot DeepBot
sluzebnik DeepBot
slybot2021 DeepBot
slyocebot DeepBot
slysbot DeepBot
slyyderbot DeepBot
sm0ke_b0t DeepBot
sm1thbot DeepBot
smaksbot DeepBot
smallcravey_bot DeepBot
smallpeenbot DeepBot
smallplaysron DeepBot
smallstv_bot DeepBot
smartcorebot Streamlabs Chatbot
smarttornadobot DeepBot
smartyboter DeepBot
smash4bot Smash4Bot
smash4ubot Smash4UBot
smash64bot DeepBot
smashbott DeepBot
smashbot_ Unknown (click to correct)
smashersbot DeepBot
smashgamingbot DeepBot
smashoxbot DeepBot
smashstevebot DeepBot
smash_security SMASH Security Suite
smatibot 99DamageBot