Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
spacetaxis_copilot DeepBot
spaceytv_bot DeepBot
spacezonebot DeepBot
space_droid DeepBot
spadezpowered DeepBot
spaghettithecat DeepBot
spajkkbot DeepBot
spalliii DeepBot
spambotvii DeepBot
spamclap DeepBot
spankbankbot DeepBot
sparkey7144 DeepBot
sparkliesbot DeepBot
sparklixbot DeepBot
sparrowshelper DeepBot
spartaanbot DeepBot
spartanxbot DeepBot
spartan_army_bot DeepBot
spartan__bot__ DeepBot
spartasbottho DeepBot
sparta_bot_ DeepBot
spartbot DeepBot
spartytvbot DeepBot
spasmabot DeepBot
spazbot26 DeepBot
spdnscrub DeepBot
spdtv2bot DeepBot
speakerbott DeepBot
speakezbot DeepBot
specspider DeepBot
spectemusprime DeepBot
spedunklebot DeepBot
speedbot55 DeepBot
speeds_bot DeepBot
speedwagner_ DeepBot
speedybots DeepBot
speidybot DeepBot
spekt3rbot DeepBot
spelgeek DeepBot
spellcaster DeepBot
spellingincbot DeepBot
spencerwolfe DeepBot
speqbot DeepBot
spezialbot DeepBot
spf50bot DeepBot
spic3bot DeepBot
spicemonger DeepBot
spicycorgi DeepBot
spicyghostbot DeepBot
spicyholo DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.