Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
armadillosbot DeepBot
armbarbot2020 DeepBot
armebot Unknown (click to correct)
armenbarmen DeepBot
armyfluffybot DeepBot
armyofkaosbot DeepBot
arngrimbot DeepBot
arnold_bot DeepBot
arons_bananenbaum DeepBot
aroqinsecurity DeepBot
arorybot DeepBot
arosbot DeepBot
arphysbot DeepBot
arpie DeepBot
arrhabot DeepBot
arrout DeepBot
arrowcave DeepBot
arrowsbot DeepBot
arsisbot DeepBot
ars_bot DeepBot
arta_bot ModBot
artdjobot DeepBot
artdragonbot DeepBot
artemisiscute DeepBot
artemis_protocol DeepBot
artesbot Unknown (click to correct)
artexbot DeepBot
artfulbot DeepBot
arthritisbot DeepBot
artificialllama DeepBot
artikchillbot DeepBot
artofrp_bot DeepBot
arunasdb DeepBot
arxsybot DeepBot
asatorbot DeepBot
asd1635 DeepBot
ashadiusbot DeepBot
ashcupcakes ModBot
asherabot1 DeepBot
ashes_dps DeepBot
ashiros_bot DeepBot
ashkananlbot DeepBot
ashlingbot DeepBot
ashravenbot DeepBot
asianslovewaffles DeepBot
asil DeepBot
asknet DeepBot
asleepykittenbot DeepBot
assamteewhat DeepBot
assasins26bot DeepBot