Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
stimkymcchonchybot Streamlabs Chatbot
stress_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
stripesbot Streamlabs Chatbot
subettebot Streamlabs Chatbot
subotshi Streamlabs Chatbot
superdeadrobot Streamlabs Chatbot
supersoxybot Streamlabs Chatbot
super_happy_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
susbot12 Streamlabs Chatbot
swindybot Streamlabs Chatbot
synionbot Streamlabs Chatbot
tacopot1337 Streamlabs Chatbot
tacos_droid Streamlabs Chatbot
taylormadebot Streamlabs Chatbot
techgurubot Streamlabs Chatbot
temsb0t Streamlabs Chatbot
tenshinekubot Streamlabs Chatbot
terrabot_ Streamlabs Chatbot
tfs_punbot Streamlabs Chatbot
tgh_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
tha_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
theazurebot Streamlabs Chatbot
thedarthmanbot Streamlabs Chatbot
thedestroyersbot Streamlabs Chatbot
thedivineangel Streamlabs Chatbot
thegamateersbot Streamlabs Chatbot
theguideofsouls Streamlabs Chatbot
thelovelywhale Streamlabs Chatbot
themagictootbot Streamlabs Chatbot
theoverbot Streamlabs Chatbot
thermonuclearwarriorbot Streamlabs Chatbot
theshadiestbot Streamlabs Chatbot
thesimplypressingbot Streamlabs Chatbot
thetechnikbot Streamlabs Chatbot
theworldlybot Streamlabs Chatbot
the_funbot Streamlabs Chatbot
the_tk_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
time_patroller Streamlabs Chatbot
timtambot Streamlabs Chatbot
tinybotthings Streamlabs Chatbot
tjalkfamily Streamlabs Chatbot
toddlerangie Streamlabs Chatbot
toftbot Streamlabs Chatbot
totallynotgalestrom Streamlabs Chatbot
tova_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
toweyssecretservice Streamlabs Chatbot
trill_b0t Streamlabs Chatbot
tripankh Streamlabs Chatbot
tuckusbot Streamlabs Chatbot
twili_bot Streamlabs Chatbot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.