Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
wombart DeepBot
wombatscolonybot DeepBot
wombobot DeepBot
wonabot DeepBot
wonderdroid DeepBot
wonderenbot DeepBot
wondertradeboss DeepBot
wondertradechef DeepBot
wonk757 DeepBot
wonzbot DeepBot
woobot666 DeepBot
woodb0t DeepBot
woodbot1 DeepBot
woodennickelz DeepBot
woodikbot DeepBot
woodland_bot DeepBot
woodlumbbot DeepBot
woodstvbot DeepBot
woodybotoioi DeepBot
woodygamerx5 DeepBot
woofbot17 DeepBot
woofbott DeepBot
woogielukie DeepBot
wooperbot DeepBot
woozbot DeepBot
wor1dstarbot DeepBot
worick_arcangeloo DeepBot
works_bot DeepBot
worldcityclub DeepBot
worldfriendshipbot DeepBot
worldsbothoppip DeepBot
worldstar_bot DeepBot
world_bot1337 DeepBot
wormhole_bot DeepBot
worrbot DeepBot
worshipersbot DeepBot
worst0nebot DeepBot
wortel6bot DeepBot
worthersbot DeepBot
worthybot DeepBot
wortkotzebot DeepBot
wor_bot DeepBot
wosande_bot DeepBot
wotwotinthebot DeepBot
wouwbot DeepBot
wowchatbot DeepBot
wowpizzabot DeepBot
wowtanktv_bot DeepBot
wplbot DeepBot
wr3kbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.