Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
skittyrachel ScorpBot
skizzsbot DeepBot
skjeggbot DeepBot
skjeggbot_ DeepBot
sklbot DeepBot
skojd_bot DeepBot
skolbot DeepBot
skoobot DeepBot
skooptvbot DeepBot
skopa_bot DeepBot
skornbbtest DeepBot
skovboost DeepBot
skoyabot DeepBot
skrapz_bot DeepBot
skratchbot3000 DeepBot
skreeb_bot DeepBot
sktzbot DeepBot
skuggisbot DeepBot
skullassistant ModBot
skullbot DeepBot
skullbot20 ModBot
skulldorbot Streamlabs Chatbot
skullhunterbot DeepBot
skullmod DeepBot
skullyrocks DeepBot
skullzbot DeepBot
skull_overlord DeepBot
skunkyboss DeepBot
skurybot DeepBot
skuselbot DeepBot
skuzzeybot DeepBot
skuzzybot DeepBot
skuz_one ModBot
skweakbot DeepBot
skwiggybot ScorpBot
skybot__ DeepBot
skyboxbot DeepBot
skycloudbot JopeBot
skyclubchef DeepBot
skydaddybot DeepBot
skyfalls_bot DeepBot
skylordstyle DeepBot
skynet DeepBot
skynetasst DeepBot
skynet_drohne DeepBot
skynet_twitch_defense DeepBot
skynexbot_ Unknown (click to correct)
skyy_bot DeepBot
sk_sevenkingbot DeepBot
sl0thm4ch1n3 DeepBot