Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
schanni DeepBot
schannikkbotv2 DeepBot
schaschotvbot DeepBot
schattenwolf_ DeepBot
schedbod DeepBot
schematicsbot DeepBot
schepbot DeepBot
schepper_bot DeepBot
scherpbot DeepBot
scheunebot DeepBot
schiggybot DeepBot
schildmaidbot DeepBot
schildmaid_freya DeepBot
schinkendinkel DeepBot
schipisbot DeepBot
schism_bot DeepBot
schlabbertvbot DeepBot
schlaganfallnase DeepBot
schlangenbot DeepBot
schlerfbot DeepBot
schlubbelbot Unknown (click to correct)
schlueppimeister DeepBot
schlumibot DeepBot
schlumpfobot DeepBot
schmidtchenssbot DeepBot
schmidybot DeepBot
schmobot DeepBot
schmoo_bot DeepBot
schnapsbrennerbot DeepBot
schneebalibot DeepBot
schnippi_98 DeepBot
schnitzelbot007 DeepBot
schnitzeltron DeepBot
schnozebot pajbot
schnuppelluppel DeepBot
schnuuupiii DeepBot
schoggibot DeepBot
schokifred DeepBot
schokigott DeepBot
schokobonbot DeepBot
schokokexs DeepBot
schokomayor DeepBot
schossibot DeepBot
schrambot DeepBot
schrombot DeepBot
schronkbot DeepBot
schrottgpt DeepBot
schubladenbot DeepBot
schviftyfivebot DeepBot
schwallib0t DeepBot