Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
orsbot DeepBot
ortega1bot DeepBot
oryxxbot DeepBot
oryx_bot DeepBot
osaak1 DeepBot
osanorbot DeepBot
oscuritobot DeepBot
osenbot DeepBot
oshuaboto DeepBot
osiris4bot DeepBot
osirisbot DeepBot
osirisxf_bot DeepBot
oskarimod DeepBot
osnapbot DeepBot
ospebot DeepBot
ospidey_bot DeepBot
ossiclanbot DeepBot
ostarionbot Unknown (click to correct)
ostbot Unknown (click to correct)
ostiwub StreamElements
ostrichbot3000 DeepBot
osufbot DeepBot
osuufbot DeepBot
oswald52 DeepBot
otaconbot DeepBot
otakubotz DeepBot
otanybot DeepBot
otbotty DeepBot
otiebot DeepBot
otofbot DeepBot
otravnyotrok DeepBot
otrokstreamu DeepBot
otrok_ DeepBot
otter__bot DeepBot
ottherbot DeepBot
ottobot1313 ModBot
ottostamperbot DeepBot
ounr3alxbot DeepBot
ourbearrbot DeepBot
oursonbot DeepBot
outbackbot DeepBot
outibot DeepBot
outlawsgeneral DeepBot
outspokenbot DeepBot
ouvertbot Node.js based
ou_kaybot DeepBot
ovechkinbot DeepBot
overbot DeepBot
overbot_2016 DeepBot
overdosebot Custom mIRC Script