Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
noodie_bot DeepBot
noodleybot Streamlabs Chatbot
noodobot DeepBot
nookys_cookiemonster DeepBot
nooootnooot DeepBot
nootibot ModBot
noradbot DeepBot
nordboti DeepBot
nordic_bot DeepBot
nordischerbotjunge DeepBot
nordsbot Unknown (click to correct)
nordteamde DeepBot
norina1bot DeepBot
norlonbot DeepBot
normanritter1312 DeepBot
normensscheriff DeepBot
nor_glace_bot DeepBot
nosbot DeepBot
noscarebot DeepBot
noshavebot DeepBot
noskill_pflegedienst DeepBot
nosn76 DeepBot
nosoundgaming DeepBot
nossibot DeepBot
nostalgia_arcad3_bot DeepBot
nostirasbot DeepBot
nosurrenderbot DeepBot
nos_pika_bot ModBot
notafoatall Unknown (click to correct)
notagirlbot DeepBot
notalrex DeepBot
notbeems DeepBot
notbobbs ScorpBot
notbroutros DeepBot
notchuchubot DeepBot
notchunka DeepBot
notdapperment ModBot
notdiabolus DeepBot
notdieffs DeepBot
notfortunato DeepBot
notfortyhubs DeepBot
notgamesbot Python based
nothappybot DeepBot
nothbutt DeepBot
nothomobot DeepBot
notmatthombot DeepBot
notnathbot DeepBot
notoriousdadbot DeepBot
notpaigeplatypus DeepBot
notsofamebot DeepBot