Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
abbis_bot Phantombot
adamlearnsbot Phantombot
altkate Phantombot
bionicpopo Phantombot
botflakes_ Phantombot
botmainbtw Phantombot
botslie Phantombot
bot_sich Phantombot
calvindotexe Phantombot
canhazbuttplz Phantombot
chat_vac Phantombot
clemzhbot Phantombot
couchtimebot Phantombot
cznbot Phantombot
darkensanities Phantombot
dee1bot Phantombot
deepzonebot Phantombot
dinodiener Phantombot
dooksdabot Phantombot
dynamitpowerbot Phantombot
federationcommander Phantombot
fisshybot Phantombot
fraggynzbot Phantombot
gbabot Phantombot
ginahi_bot Phantombot
guildenstern_bot Phantombot
hexprogram Phantombot
hol_ly Phantombot
horizonboot Phantombot
ikarostheangeloid Phantombot
illusionarybot Phantombot
itztitaniobot Phantombot
jackyfoxbot Phantombot
justsynth Phantombot
k3b0t Phantombot
katothehusky Phantombot
knightlybot Phantombot
kostanbot Phantombot
kuntybot Phantombot
lagerthabot Phantombot
lex_thefritzbot Phantombot
loonycrewbot Phantombot
loyitia Phantombot
lukihelp Phantombot
lumberjack_bot Phantombot
makkebot Phantombot
marbot_ Phantombot
mattybot_ Phantombot
mavribot Phantombot
mechbot Phantombot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.