Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
00xx00bot DeepBot
010000100110111101110100_ DeepBot
01001001_01010100 DeepBot
0311devildog7252 DeepBot
0atmealbot DeepBot
0billubot DeepBot
0ctopus DeepBot
0fzidebot DeepBot
0ldb0t DeepBot
0ldsch00l_6aming DeepBot
0leckbot DeepBot
0lgregbot DeepBot
0megabot DeepBot
0nebot DeepBot
0oozerooo0 DeepBot
0piebot DeepBot
0rangeb0t DeepBot
0rdiebot DeepBot
0rdybot DeepBot
0ttbot DeepBot
10000mbit DeepBot
101nabot DeepBot
101vetbot DeepBot
1040_bot DeepBot
10rdbot DeepBot
116boyz_bot DeepBot
123roxanne DeepBot
16bb_bot DeepBot
1798 DeepBot
1846_d DeepBot
187erbot DeepBot
1980sbot DeepBot
1992siimon1992 DeepBot
19mikemacbot DeepBot
1armbot DeepBot
1ddbot DeepBot
1deag_bot DeepBot
1flamesbot DeepBot
1foxbot DeepBot
1fredbot DeepBot
1kghackbot DeepBot
1monky91_bot DeepBot
1mthek1ng DeepBot
1ndiebot DeepBot
1nkggbot DeepBot
1pactbot DeepBot
1ronb0t DeepBot
1salzstein DeepBot
1sg_winbot DeepBot
1slimbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.