Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
aether_bot ScorpBot
alpha_relay ScorpBot
anatlus ScorpBot
annoyingb0t ScorpBot
arcadexbotx ScorpBot
arcaneassistant ScorpBot
archbot_ ScorpBot
arc_wolf_bot ScorpBot
asylum_orderly ScorpBot
aweshuuumbot ScorpBot
axe_bot_ ScorpBot
azhtranaut ScorpBot
barrelkinbot ScorpBot
bb88_droid ScorpBot
bb8bot1 ScorpBot
beampro_chat ScorpBot
beam_chat_bot ScorpBot
bergybits ScorpBot
bettiebuttons ScorpBot
bigburgerbot ScorpBot
biggest_of_bots ScorpBot
biggiantbot ScorpBot
billabongbot ScorpBot
blah_bot ScorpBot
bloo_bot_ ScorpBot
botkc ScorpBot
botmour ScorpBot
botnixon ScorpBot
bottruman ScorpBot
bot_jurassic ScorpBot
brogueain ScorpBot
buddybot_ ScorpBot
c0achbot ScorpBot
c0ffeebot ScorpBot
c1tybot ScorpBot
calimeatbot ScorpBot
casual__bot ScorpBot
cbp_bot ScorpBot
ch3rrybot ScorpBot
chaccabot ScorpBot
covexcultbot ScorpBot
coziescorner ScorpBot
cpt_triggered ScorpBot
cryptkappa ScorpBot
cyborkbot ScorpBot
dadbot2000 ScorpBot
datpingbotdoh ScorpBot
deadbot82 ScorpBot
deemansbot ScorpBot
dimplybot ScorpBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.