Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
almightyjesusbot DeepBot
almtybot DeepBot
aloc02 DeepBot
alodarbot DeepBot
alpacaptain DeepBot
alpasdealerbot DeepBot
alpen_heidi DeepBot
alpha187bot DeepBot
alphaaerdnueff DeepBot
alphaerdnuss DeepBot
alphakartoffeladmin DeepBot
alpharos DeepBot
alphasroyalguard DeepBot
alphathemessenger DeepBot
alpha_wolfpack_bot DeepBot
alpha__banger DeepBot
alsahhimbot DeepBot
alsomyelin DeepBot
alsvidr47 DeepBot
altarbot DeepBot
alterexo DeepBot
altf4llerbot DeepBot
altginger DeepBot
altpsychosis DeepBot
altybot DeepBot
alubot43 DeepBot
alukina DeepBot
alybot_ DeepBot
alzar_bot DeepBot
amarcodtvbot DeepBot
amart97bot DeepBot
amas_powerslave DeepBot
amazingfukrbot DeepBot
ambassadorbot DeepBot
ambiinmdks_meeseek DeepBot
ambitabot DeepBot
ambobot DeepBot
ambossbot DeepBot
ambrosiabot DeepBot
ambushhelfer DeepBot
amenooobot DeepBot
americanbloodmfam DeepBot
amg_safety_car DeepBot
amhaibot DeepBot
amirsonbot DeepBot
amisaur DeepBot
amishbot DeepBot
amkmixbot DeepBot
ammachete DeepBot
ammletsplays DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.