Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
minimoi_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
missnikolitebot Streamlabs Chatbot
mittebot Streamlabs Chatbot
mod_hat Streamlabs Chatbot
moehrchenbot2 Streamlabs Chatbot
moonbot Streamlabs Chatbot
moonseeker23 Streamlabs Chatbot
mothervicaramelia Streamlabs Chatbot
motoonibot Streamlabs Chatbot
ms_niveauvoll Streamlabs Chatbot
muffincatbot Streamlabs Chatbot
mumpenbot Streamlabs Chatbot
muthur6000 Streamlabs Chatbot
nerdopi Streamlabs Chatbot
nest_keeper Streamlabs Chatbot
nichibot Streamlabs Chatbot
nicolbot Streamlabs Chatbot
ninjapandabot Streamlabs Chatbot
noodleybot Streamlabs Chatbot
nysbotto Streamlabs Chatbot
nyuubot1 Streamlabs Chatbot
obiscuitso Streamlabs Chatbot
oneoffour_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
owgbot Streamlabs Chatbot
owlie3000 Streamlabs Chatbot
owlieebot Streamlabs Chatbot
papasanbot Streamlabs Chatbot
pbrbot Streamlabs Chatbot
peekab0t Streamlabs Chatbot
penelope_ai Streamlabs Chatbot
pervysagebot Streamlabs Chatbot
petrovichdude Streamlabs Chatbot
ph0enxbot Streamlabs Chatbot
photochessbot Streamlabs Chatbot
pikacrewbot_ Streamlabs Chatbot
pingubot_r4 Streamlabs Chatbot
playabot1 Streamlabs Chatbot
plonkabot Streamlabs Chatbot
poskokof Streamlabs Chatbot
potater_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
prencat Streamlabs Chatbot
princesspinkbot Streamlabs Chatbot
principal_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
prncedbot Streamlabs Chatbot
prodigalbot Streamlabs Chatbot
puninibot Streamlabs Chatbot
punkinbot Streamlabs Chatbot
purginator Streamlabs Chatbot
pxmonkeebot Streamlabs Chatbot
qubecaster Streamlabs Chatbot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.