Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
fluxcapacitorbot ModBot
font_bot ModBot
foreverdonutbot ModBot
fpwalljumps ModBot
freeelfybot ModBot
friendlydeveloper ModBot
ftheadbot ModBot
fungeondungeonmaster ModBot
futurefilmbot ModBot
g09bot ModBot
gamefighter20xx ModBot
gatorfadebot ModBot
gbabychallengerbot ModBot
gbotxd ModBot
geekdomofjakrae ModBot
gervisbot ModBot
ggabot ModBot
ghoulishbot ModBot
gilcave ModBot
gimmiebot ModBot
gingersbeardbot ModBot
glacials_minion ModBot
gladhappybot ModBot
goatmilk_bot ModBot
goldcommander ModBot
goldenrosie ModBot
gos_alliance ModBot
gravis_steward ModBot
graynbot ModBot
greatenergybot ModBot
greeny_loyalty ModBot
grg_bot ModBot
grillembot ModBot
grooverbot ModBot
grunt_bot ModBot
gshbot23 ModBot
guardbotv2 ModBot
gunrangebot ModBot
gwjcbot ModBot
haikrazonsmodbot ModBot
hannibotspecter ModBot
happy_kushin_bot ModBot
hardcore_bot ModBot
harebot ModBot
harleyquinnb0t ModBot
hchair ModBot
hdjamiebotmk2 ModBot
hellblazer_bot ModBot
hellgamerbot ModBot
herocoinsbot ModBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.