Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
ghostwiththemostbb Streamlabs Chatbot
ghuntbot Streamlabs Chatbot
goldenknightbot Streamlabs Chatbot
gooderbot Streamlabs Chatbot
gremochibot Streamlabs Chatbot
gruffrobot Streamlabs Chatbot
grumbleautomaton Streamlabs Chatbot
hatchlingb0t Streamlabs Chatbot
hawaiianshirtbot Streamlabs Chatbot
haxtilda Streamlabs Chatbot
hayzbot Streamlabs Chatbot
heart_of_the_lion Streamlabs Chatbot
hedwigbot Streamlabs Chatbot
hextilda Streamlabs Chatbot
hollybomb_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
hound_of_hades_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
hpbots Streamlabs Chatbot
hubsebot Streamlabs Chatbot
hugo__bot Streamlabs Chatbot
humblegbot Streamlabs Chatbot
hund789 Streamlabs Chatbot
hypeavatars Streamlabs Chatbot
icajerrys Streamlabs Chatbot
imadumbrobot Streamlabs Chatbot
isotacticalbot Streamlabs Chatbot
izziemcbottington Streamlabs Chatbot
jacibot Streamlabs Chatbot
jackyybot Streamlabs Chatbot
jaiebot Streamlabs Chatbot
jarinchen Streamlabs Chatbot
jarvis_ia Streamlabs Chatbot
jdragonbot Streamlabs Chatbot
jellypbot Streamlabs Chatbot
jennsforever_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
jessicassx Streamlabs Chatbot
jimtheboychild Streamlabs Chatbot
jinkerbolts Streamlabs Chatbot
jorpbot Streamlabs Chatbot
jsrbot Streamlabs Chatbot
juhlopybot Streamlabs Chatbot
justusbot Streamlabs Chatbot
jvnqbot Streamlabs Chatbot
kaciebot Streamlabs Chatbot
kartoffel_b0t Streamlabs Chatbot
kattatron9000 Streamlabs Chatbot
kawaiimaidbot Streamlabs Chatbot
kdo_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
kds_bot Streamlabs Chatbot
kentishbot Streamlabs Chatbot
ketb0t Streamlabs Chatbot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.