Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
whelobot DeepBot
whensful DeepBot
whimsybot DeepBot
whipb0t DeepBot
whipnation DeepBot
whisibot DeepBot
whiskersxx DeepBot
whiskeythebot DeepBot
whiskytheshattered DeepBot
whisrcnbot DeepBot
whis_bot DeepBot
whitebeerman DeepBot
whitebot2k DeepBot
whitebot_2k DeepBot
whitelinebot DeepBot
whitessbot DeepBot
whitetime_bot DeepBot
whitewolf371 DeepBot
whittiebot DeepBot
whobatdk_bot DeepBot
whoisdreamybot DeepBot
wholesomedeviant DeepBot
whoohoo_bot DeepBot
whosbloosbot DeepBot
whosbot_ DeepBot
whos_oma DeepBot
whskytangofoxbot DeepBot
whubot DeepBot
whutbot DeepBot
wickedbot_v2 DeepBot
wickeddbot DeepBot
wickedrpg DeepBot
wickedtoonbot DeepBot
wickeybot DeepBot
widdzbot DeepBot
wieselbert DeepBot
wifeofjinx DeepBot
wigglybots DeepBot
wiggy_bot DeepBot
wigitbot DeepBot
wig_bot DeepBot
wikbot13 DeepBot
wikingerbot DeepBot
wikingercarl DeepBot
wikiribot DeepBot
wikkedbot DeepBot
wikkosbot DeepBot
wikusbot DeepBot
wilanobot DeepBot
wilburbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.