Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
btbbot ModBot
btpgame ModBot
bulletbots ModBot
bumada ModBot
burrybot ModBot
bwgamingbot ModBot
calixbot ModBot
camarsbot ModBot
candies_ever_after ModBot
cantibot ModBot
captainben_tv ModBot
captmod ModBot
cardb0t ModBot
cardinalbird5bot ModBot
cckbot ModBot
cedsbot ModBot
cepbot ModBot
certifiedclutzbot ModBot
cham_bot ModBot
charles___chaos ModBot
charliesbot ModBot
charliewuskybot ModBot
cherubott ModBot
chilsanbot ModBot
chroniclerbot ModBot
chubzbot ModBot
commonfragger ModBot
conditionzerobot ModBot
cookiejarbot ModBot
cookieshower ModBot
cookiewolfbot ModBot
cookingfornoobot ModBot
cornbot02 ModBot
cptpuffbot ModBot
craigslistbot ModBot
creeesbot ModBot
crohbot ModBot
croptender ModBot
crynthbot ModBot
cuebot2000 ModBot
cyankillbot ModBot
cynumumbot ModBot
cynumumbott ModBot
d0mibot ModBot
d3toxbot ModBot
dabonanan ModBot
daizbot ModBot
dancastbot ModBot
dashausbot ModBot
datbot24 ModBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.