Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
5m0gbot DeepBot
5mlifebot DeepBot
5p3c14l_vi DeepBot
5quidbot DeepBot
5ya_tso DeepBot
68whiskeybot DeepBot
6ixbot DeepBot
6t4bitesbot DeepBot
71erzbot DeepBot
777bot DeepBot
7alphabot DeepBot
7imber_bot DeepBot
7pointfivebot DeepBot
7temp_bot DeepBot
8bit8bot DeepBot
8bitbossman DeepBot
8bitbotfish DeepBot
8bit_reggie DeepBot
8bothero DeepBot
8eanerbot DeepBot
8ullbot DeepBot
8wolfbot DeepBot
8_bit_butler DeepBot
90skidsuperbot DeepBot
99skillbot DeepBot
99_goku DeepBot
9mmbot DeepBot
9to5bot DeepBot
a1_b0t DeepBot
a1_enforcer DeepBot
a8bot DeepBot
aaronator_bot DeepBot
aasketeer DeepBot
abaddon_esportsbot DeepBot
aba_bot DeepBot
abductbot DeepBot
abfalllager DeepBot
abhazec_bot DeepBot
abichuelillo DeepBot
abindieecke DeepBot
abledot DeepBot
abm_ghosted_bot DeepBot
abotheker DeepBot
abotnamedgeneric DeepBot
abotniks DeepBot
abovethemall_bot DeepBot
abriw00t DeepBot
abrokehoesdream DeepBot
absinth_bot DeepBot
abt_an_abhainn DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.