Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
uptight_bot DeepBot
upwt_bot DeepBot
urbanebot DeepBot
urdbot DeepBot
urflegacy DeepBot
urmabaitbot DeepBot
uroybot DeepBot
urshiebot DeepBot
ur_bot DeepBot
ur_der_bot DeepBot
us1rev_bot DeepBot
usaf69 DeepBot
usaf_dronebot DeepBot
usedbot DeepBot
usernamechange93022 DeepBot
userservicebot DeepBot
utv_bot DeepBot
uwuchu DeepBot
uwujavibot DeepBot
uwu_bot_panda DeepBot
uxguybot DeepBot
uzaylininsopasi DeepBot
uzibott DeepBot
uziscotbot DeepBot
uzkuldirector DeepBot
v00d00bot DeepBot
v01tsbot DeepBot
v1nur DeepBot
v1p3rbot DeepBot
v1tabot DeepBot
v27_bot DeepBot
v3n0mtvbot DeepBot
v3st0bot DeepBot
v4pors DeepBot
v9inesbot DeepBot
vaccination_bot DeepBot
vaccubot DeepBot
vaderbot90 DeepBot
vaheerebot DeepBot
vainebot DeepBot
val0rbot DeepBot
valarbot DeepBot
valbeinbot DeepBot
valdiobot DeepBot
valdis DeepBot
valeerontv_bot DeepBot
valiebot DeepBot
valkbotz DeepBot
valkombot DeepBot
valksr2d2 DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.