Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
tztechsupport DeepBot
t_e_c_h_b_o_t DeepBot
t_i_f_f DeepBot
t_multibot DeepBot
t__bot DeepBot
ubezbot DeepBot
ubosot DeepBot
ubotm8 DeepBot
ubrbot DeepBot
ucbot DeepBot
uchobot DeepBot
uck_bot DeepBot
uck_tv_ DeepBot
uck_tv__ DeepBot
ucnhbot DeepBot
udepbot DeepBot
uedabot DeepBot
uee_advobot DeepBot
uffyahaktiv DeepBot
uflbot DeepBot
uhhhhbot DeepBot
uh_tbotway DeepBot
uizis_bot DeepBot
uksbot DeepBot
ulle_ger DeepBot
ulquii_bot DeepBot
ult1m4t3_b0t DeepBot
ultimateassistant DeepBot
ultimatedoomerbot DeepBot
ultimatefifabot DeepBot
ultimatelatte DeepBot
ultimaterojanbot DeepBot
ultimates_bot DeepBot
ultimatronbot DeepBot
ultralounge DeepBot
ultrasquirtingbot DeepBot
ulv_herre DeepBot
uma2bot DeepBot
umadb0t DeepBot
uma_bot DeepBot
umbbot DeepBot
umbralpackbot DeepBot
umbrastybot DeepBot
umbra_bot DeepBot
umbrella_intel DeepBot
umgbot DeepBot
unbegabterbot DeepBot
unbezahlteaushilfe DeepBot
unboxabot DeepBot
unclenorrisbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.