Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
tuersteherschiby DeepBot
tuersteher_bot_714 DeepBot
tuffisc2 DeepBot
tukibotz DeepBot
tula_bot DeepBot
tullbot DeepBot
tumoxi_bot DeepBot
tuna__bot DeepBot
tuner4life1_bot DeepBot
tunibot DeepBot
tupabot DeepBot
turbobotbot DeepBot
turbomobot DeepBot
turborobbiebot DeepBot
turboxbot DeepBot
turbx_b DeepBot
turdssbot DeepBot
turdybot DeepBot
turdz_bot DeepBot
turkeybotx3 DeepBot
turlsbot DeepBot
turms_bot DeepBot
turnbot1 DeepBot
turtbot_911 DeepBot
turtlebeachnlbot DeepBot
turtlebroadcastbot DeepBot
turtledoveisland DeepBot
turtleheadbot DeepBot
turtlehermitdojo DeepBot
turtlezboterino DeepBot
tussibot DeepBot
tutubot DeepBot
tvrbot DeepBot
tvroyalebot DeepBot
tv_tulpenland DeepBot
tw1ztedbot DeepBot
twahtbaht DeepBot
twazbot DeepBot
twdbot DeepBot
twebtvbot DeepBot
tweed_bot DeepBot
twiiqz96_deepbot DeepBot
twingamingtvbot DeepBot
twinkiescop DeepBot
twinnerbot DeepBot
twinwinbot DeepBot
twinxbot01 DeepBot
twissi_bot DeepBot
twistedbones_ DeepBot
twistedbot91 DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.