Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
trucktittesbot DeepBot
trucrimsonbot DeepBot
truegodbot DeepBot
trueinnkeeper DeepBot
truemirakelbot DeepBot
truepersesbot DeepBot
true_butler DeepBot
trulynotthebestbot DeepBot
trumanw DeepBot
trumpenbot DeepBot
trundusbot DeepBot
trustful_butler DeepBot
trustingblindbot DeepBot
trustmihi_bot DeepBot
trusty1bot DeepBot
trustybott DeepBot
trust_bot DeepBot
truth412 DeepBot
truurobot DeepBot
trwk_bot DeepBot
trydev_bot DeepBot
tryflowbot DeepBot
tryhard__bot DeepBot
tschindatschillabot DeepBot
tsgatorbot DeepBot
tshiibot DeepBot
tsixbot DeepBot
tsk_bot DeepBot
tstylebot DeepBot
tsuchiebot DeepBot
tsume_bot DeepBot
tsundere_bot DeepBot
tsyrebot DeepBot
ttabbot DeepBot
ttdterrorbot DeepBot
ttp_bot DeepBot
ttvbeardbot DeepBot
ttvfatebot DeepBot
ttvpakrninja DeepBot
ttv__bot DeepBot
ttwezzybot DeepBot
tuarminator DeepBot
tubbybot DeepBot
tuccbot DeepBot
tuccibot DeepBot
tuchibot DeepBot
tuckbot DeepBot
tuersteherschiby DeepBot
tuersteher_bot_714 DeepBot
tuffisc2 DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.