Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
tonybot_ DeepBot
tonyonezero10butler DeepBot
tonytbot DeepBot
tonytonychopper_bot DeepBot
tonyx_bot DeepBot
tony_corgi DeepBot
toobziesbot DeepBot
toogoodvibesbot DeepBot
tooksterbawt DeepBot
toonies DeepBot
toosh_bot DeepBot
too_stronk_bot DeepBot
topatobot DeepBot
topdukling DeepBot
topfragbot DeepBot
topgbotg DeepBot
topmassentbot DeepBot
topnotchbot DeepBot
topswagbot DeepBot
top_hat_harry DeepBot
toriksbot DeepBot
torkel83bot DeepBot
torlaybot DeepBot
tormthebot DeepBot
tornadob0t DeepBot
tornadobot DeepBot
torphbot DeepBot
tortimerbot DeepBot
torvaldbot DeepBot
totadani1 DeepBot
totallylostbot DeepBot
totallynotanerdykoala DeepBot
totallynotparm DeepBot
totembotlive DeepBot
totes97_bot DeepBot
totes_jibbot DeepBot
totsbot DeepBot
tottie_bot DeepBot
totybot DeepBot
tot__bot DeepBot
touchifm DeepBot
touchmyslog DeepBot
toughlovebot DeepBot
tourettebot DeepBot
towelybot DeepBot
towel_bot DeepBot
towerfluglotse DeepBot
toxicbreezebot DeepBot
toxickingdombot DeepBot
toxiiboibot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.