Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
toad625 DeepBot
toadb0t DeepBot
toadstoolbot DeepBot
toad_collector DeepBot
toastb0t DeepBot
toastbotz DeepBot
toastbot_op DeepBot
tob11s DeepBot
tobe_bot DeepBot
tobifirehawkbot DeepBot
tobithebot DeepBot
tobmei7 DeepBot
tobsensbot DeepBot
tobton DeepBot
tobysbot DeepBot
todarkenbot DeepBot
todebot DeepBot
todespains_diener DeepBot
todo_bot DeepBot
toethotbot DeepBot
toffelbot DeepBot
tofoobot DeepBot
tofusbishbot DeepBot
tofuthotsbot DeepBot
tofu_thecat DeepBot
toiditvsbot DeepBot
toiletcleaning DeepBot
tokenstwitchbot DeepBot
tokibot_v2 DeepBot
tokyo_bot DeepBot
tolkabot DeepBot
toller_bot_1337 DeepBot
tollesbrot_bot DeepBot
toly_tv DeepBot
tomabotmk5001 DeepBot
tomate_armado DeepBot
tombobot DeepBot
tomcruzbot DeepBot
tomkaibot DeepBot
tomkbot DeepBot
tommolivebot DeepBot
tommyboypdxbot DeepBot
tomobot DeepBot
tomo_bot DeepBot
tomsgamingbot DeepBot
tomstergamer DeepBot
tomstreambot DeepBot
tomvbot DeepBot
tom_te DeepBot
toni_raccoon_bot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.