Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
thepoxbot DeepBot
thepricklebot DeepBot
theprimarybot DeepBot
thepromiscuousclub DeepBot
theproofbot DeepBot
theproudpancakebot DeepBot
theprsbureaubot DeepBot
thepunk_bot DeepBot
thepuppywhobarked DeepBot
thepyrebot DeepBot
thequackbot DeepBot
thequackybot DeepBot
ther3albot DeepBot
theragebot_ DeepBot
therainbowshepherd DeepBot
therambobot DeepBot
therascalbot DeepBot
theravagebot DeepBot
theraven_bot DeepBot
therawbot DeepBot
therealbotz DeepBot
therealcythorbot DeepBot
therealhammmy DeepBot
therealjenn DeepBot
therealjoey1bot DeepBot
therealminipanda DeepBot
therealsxylady DeepBot
thereaper1976bot DeepBot
thereaperbott DeepBot
thereaperssociety DeepBot
therecon_bot DeepBot
therelaxingbot DeepBot
theremarkablebot DeepBot
theremedybot DeepBot
there_is_only_xul DeepBot
theriggedbot DeepBot
theroaringcatbot DeepBot
theroaringdandelion DeepBot
therobocommissioner DeepBot
therobosenpai DeepBot
theroxbot DeepBot
therunningmanbot DeepBot
therussbot DeepBot
thesaltywuffbot DeepBot
thesargebot DeepBot
thesargentbot DeepBot
thesausebot DeepBot
thescufbot DeepBot
thescumbot DeepBot
theselloutbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.