Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
themrbeatsbot DeepBot
themtv_bot DeepBot
themunchbot DeepBot
themythicalbot DeepBot
thenerdherd_ DeepBot
thenerdybot DeepBot
thenicebot DeepBot
thenismobot DeepBot
thenocommentguy_bot DeepBot
thenoirebot DeepBot
thenoobsquadbot DeepBot
thenoodlebot DeepBot
thenugbot DeepBot
thenutbot_ DeepBot
theobsibot DeepBot
theoctabot DeepBot
theoddarmys DeepBot
theofromdrs DeepBot
theogdarkbot DeepBot
theogmister DeepBot
theohanu DeepBot
theoldmangamerbot DeepBot
theonetruecasualbot DeepBot
theonewiththelongestname_ DeepBot
theonlymodhere DeepBot
theoraclex671 DeepBot
theoriginaljbot DeepBot
theorphanagebot2 DeepBot
thepantherbot DeepBot
thepapabot DeepBot
thepaperfactory DeepBot
theparkerbot DeepBot
theparkrangerr DeepBot
thepartymixer DeepBot
thepeacebot DeepBot
thepepsibot DeepBot
thepestilencebot DeepBot
thepetkus DeepBot
thepinbot DeepBot
thepipbot DeepBot
thepizzachef DeepBot
theplayzbot DeepBot
theplebbot_ DeepBot
thepokemonden DeepBot
thepoolybot DeepBot
thepootard DeepBot
thepotoobot DeepBot
thepouchbot DeepBot
thepoxbot DeepBot
thepricklebot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.