Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
thekawabot DeepBot
thekeeperbot DeepBot
thekekronomikon DeepBot
thekenkraft DeepBot
thekhaosbot DeepBot
thekhaosengine DeepBot
thekiiierbot DeepBot
thekiko_bot DeepBot
thekingbot DeepBot
thekingsbot DeepBot
thekitbot DeepBot
thekittenfactory DeepBot
thekittiebot DeepBot
thekloudbot DeepBot
thekoalabearmaster DeepBot
thekryptobots DeepBot
thelagerbot DeepBot
thelaserbot DeepBot
theleeloobot DeepBot
thelegacybot DeepBot
thelewbot DeepBot
thelget_bot DeepBot
thelightbot DeepBot
thelittlecub DeepBot
thelittlekittybot DeepBot
theloneliestbot DeepBot
thelonelyviper DeepBot
theloreeverlastinglexicon DeepBot
thelotusbot DeepBot
thelovebugbot DeepBot
themadbotter DeepBot
themafiabot DeepBot
themagicconch_ DeepBot
themagiclibrary DeepBot
themagikbunny DeepBot
themajoritybot DeepBot
themancavebouncer DeepBot
themanwhohastheplans DeepBot
themarscrew DeepBot
themasterb0t DeepBot
themclegendbot DeepBot
themclovinbot DeepBot
themegbot DeepBot
themimion DeepBot
theminivanbot DeepBot
themisfitbot DeepBot
themodestbot DeepBot
themoneybot97 DeepBot
themonkeyassistant DeepBot
themonster_bot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.