Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
thecrackfoxbot DeepBot
thecrazysandwichbot DeepBot
thecupnoodlesbot DeepBot
thecurrency DeepBot
thed0ughb0y DeepBot
thedancingbot DeepBot
thedankbot_ DeepBot
thedarkness9000online DeepBot
thedarkobot DeepBot
thedarktvbot DeepBot
thedarkybot DeepBot
thedarthbot DeepBot
thedastardlybast4rds DeepBot
thedatabase DeepBot
thedb0t DeepBot
thedbot DeepBot
theddybot DeepBot
thedeadbot DeepBot
thededibot DeepBot
thedefender4u DeepBot
thedemigodbot DeepBot
thedemonbutler DeepBot
thedencommunity DeepBot
thedesbot DeepBot
thedicerbot DeepBot
thedirtiestbot DeepBot
thedmdlpbot DeepBot
thedmknowsall DeepBot
thednhd DeepBot
thedodoarmy DeepBot
thedogobot DeepBot
thedomocracybot DeepBot
thedonbot DeepBot
thedonkeybot DeepBot
thedragonsdenbot DeepBot
thedragon_bot DeepBot
thedreamerbot DeepBot
thedreybot DeepBot
thedrillinstructor DeepBot
thedripmeistersassistant DeepBot
thedrmbot DeepBot
thedroneboat DeepBot
thedubbot DeepBot
thedudes420bot DeepBot
thedudesbot DeepBot
theduende DeepBot
theduke211gamingbot DeepBot
thedunkbot DeepBot
thedutchness DeepBot
thedynamo DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.