Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
thebookie_bot DeepBot
theboonebot DeepBot
thebootymessiahbot DeepBot
theborgrobot DeepBot
thebossnationbot DeepBot
thebot1997 DeepBot
thebotbotbot DeepBot
thebotbot_ DeepBot
thebotghost DeepBot
thebotment DeepBot
thebotmuffin DeepBot
thebotnut DeepBot
thebotsharky DeepBot
thebotwarrior209 DeepBot
thebowlcutbot DeepBot
theboxedbot DeepBot
thebrewerybot DeepBot
thebroken_bot DeepBot
thebrowniebot_ DeepBot
thebuddiebot DeepBot
thebuffalobot DeepBot
thebugsarebot DeepBot
thebulldogbot DeepBot
thecabbagemaster DeepBot
thecakebot DeepBot
thecandybot DeepBot
thecatsass DeepBot
thecavegamingbot DeepBot
thecaybot DeepBot
thechalupabot DeepBot
thechanybot DeepBot
thechaossquadbot DeepBot
thechatcommander DeepBot
thecheeseboard DeepBot
thecheesecorner DeepBot
thechillbot DeepBot
thechocolatebot DeepBot
thechubbybot DeepBot
thecipherbot DeepBot
thecircuitbreakerbot DeepBot
theclassicempire DeepBot
thecloudbot DeepBot
theclutchbot DeepBot
thecoinvault DeepBot
thecokebot DeepBot
thecookiebot DeepBot
thecookiekeeper DeepBot
thecoregamingnetwork DeepBot
thecoreographer DeepBot
thecovenbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.