Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
tfinchfambot DeepBot
tftinfo DeepBot
tfuebot DeepBot
tgdsbot DeepBot
tgemmab0t DeepBot
tgolzbot DeepBot
tgpxbot DeepBot
tgtmythical_island DeepBot
tgtmythshell DeepBot
tgtv_bot DeepBot
th1rdyyy DeepBot
th30dyss3y DeepBot
th3goatbot DeepBot
th3pack DeepBot
th3r4g3b0t DeepBot
th3waffl3mak3r DeepBot
th3_lounge DeepBot
thacksbot DeepBot
thaddaeus_tentakel DeepBot
thadenoooozbot DeepBot
thadreadedbot DeepBot
thakidbot DeepBot
thalazygamerbot DeepBot
thalruukbot DeepBot
thalruuksbot DeepBot
thamiriana DeepBot
thamonsterbot DeepBot
thamry_bot DeepBot
thananox DeepBot
thanatos_bot_ DeepBot
thanosbot_ DeepBot
thatbachbot DeepBot
thatbot9000 DeepBot
thatbotblue DeepBot
thatboteuw DeepBot
thatindybot DeepBot
thatmobguybot DeepBot
thatpengugg DeepBot
thatprodigybot DeepBot
thatsbullbot DeepBot
thattacobot DeepBot
that_botch_from_hr DeepBot
tha_d_bot DeepBot
the1337xkillabot DeepBot
the600bot DeepBot
the661sheriff DeepBot
the6ixbot DeepBot
thea1bot DeepBot
theactualbot DeepBot
theafterdarkbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.