Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
swnightmareswbot DeepBot
swolepatrolbot DeepBot
swoleybot DeepBot
swompbot DeepBot
swvg_bot DeepBot
sxopezbot DeepBot
sxperbot DeepBot
sxxybot DeepBot
sxzerbot DeepBot
sy1337bot DeepBot
syanarahbot DeepBot
syarobot DeepBot
sybotz DeepBot
sycofishbot DeepBot
syc_bot DeepBot
sydroid DeepBot
syinnerio_bot DeepBot
sykorbot DeepBot
symbbot DeepBot
synbot__ DeepBot
syncage_bot DeepBot
syncitybot DeepBot
syncrosbiggestfan DeepBot
syndib0t DeepBot
syndromeofbot DeepBot
synds_bot DeepBot
synexstarbot DeepBot
syniculbot DeepBot
synminion DeepBot
synsationbot DeepBot
synsecond DeepBot
syntato DeepBot
syntexobot DeepBot
synthet1cgamer DeepBot
syntheticzzz_bot DeepBot
syntobot DeepBot
syproo_bot DeepBot
syraazb0t DeepBot
systembot DeepBot
sys_b0t DeepBot
szhiroybot DeepBot
s_h_y_s_t_y_b_o_t DeepBot
s_m_i_d_g_e DeepBot
t0kenmachine DeepBot
t0mshelfer DeepBot
t1mmyb0t DeepBot
t1riot_bot DeepBot
t1_tv DeepBot
t210m DeepBot
t3chbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.