Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
suushiibot DeepBot
suxorbot DeepBot
svendeji DeepBot
svetlana_wodkarov_ai DeepBot
sw0rd_b0t DeepBot
sw4g_bot DeepBot
swagbot25 DeepBot
swaggatronmach1 DeepBot
swaggs_nightbot DeepBot
swaggybotguy DeepBot
swagmeisterbot DeepBot
swagmodebot DeepBot
swagttvbot DeepBot
swag_b0t DeepBot
swaidforcebot DeepBot
swampmosterbot DeepBot
swan4bot DeepBot
swan4botik DeepBot
swangebot DeepBot
swarm133bot DeepBot
swarm_intelligence DeepBot
swatbaz DeepBot
swavbot DeepBot
sweat6208 DeepBot
sweaty_robot DeepBot
sweboot DeepBot
swedal2 DeepBot
sweepsbot DeepBot
sweepthebot DeepBot
sweetdreams_bot DeepBot
sweetdreamzbot DeepBot
sweetkeithbot DeepBot
sweetxbot DeepBot
sweety_bot DeepBot
sweet_sour_kleinerdrei DeepBot
swerve_bot DeepBot
swexybot DeepBot
swftb0t DeepBot
swiftlysquad DeepBot
swiftorcasino_bot DeepBot
swiftybot77 DeepBot
swindbot DeepBot
swinebot DeepBot
swingline_stapler DeepBot
swissbot_ DeepBot
switchbot_ DeepBot
swixx_bot DeepBot
swizzbot DeepBot
swizzlerbot DeepBot
swnightmareswbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.