Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
stream_manager_bot DeepBot
stream_vendor DeepBot
strebesttv DeepBot
streetbot_cze DeepBot
stresssbot DeepBot
stressschnecke DeepBot
strifebornbot DeepBot
strifebot DeepBot
strifedeep DeepBot
strifeybot DeepBot
strife__bot DeepBot
strik3rsbot DeepBot
strimbot DeepBot
stringtangadiva DeepBot
strippervillebot DeepBot
strixrabot DeepBot
stronghold_bot DeepBot
stronkbot9 DeepBot
stronkiebot DeepBot
stroodlezbot DeepBot
strooonky_bot DeepBot
strreamtesting101 DeepBot
struck5bot DeepBot
struckbot DeepBot
strudisbot DeepBot
struggleb0t DeepBot
strugglebus_tv_bot DeepBot
strugglerbot DeepBot
strykedroid DeepBot
strykesbot DeepBot
strykezerobot DeepBot
stubentigger DeepBot
stubsibot DeepBot
studentin_bot DeepBot
studingobot DeepBot
stuffyarmy DeepBot
stuffys_bot DeepBot
stunden DeepBot
stunninbot DeepBot
stuntbot DeepBot
stun__bot DeepBot
stupendousbot DeepBot
stupiddumbbot DeepBot
stupidsmexybot DeepBot
sturminatorbot DeepBot
sturschaedlbot DeepBot
stwb_bot DeepBot
styledbot DeepBot
stylerbecks DeepBot
stylesbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.