Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
stonecoldbott DeepBot
stonegolembot DeepBot
stonerbot121 DeepBot
stonesbot DeepBot
stonex_tvsbot DeepBot
stonkobot DeepBot
stookybot DeepBot
stopftnixbot DeepBot
storencsgobot DeepBot
stormbreakerbot DeepBot
stormylilac93bot DeepBot
storyfrombot DeepBot
storyteller_jimmy DeepBot
stqrmy_bot DeepBot
str33tbot DeepBot
str8freakinchunez DeepBot
straconisbot DeepBot
strahles_copilot DeepBot
straightbot DeepBot
straitbot DeepBot
strambot DeepBot
strandedbot DeepBot
stranding_bot DeepBot
strangeglimmer DeepBot
strangeletbot DeepBot
strangersbot DeepBot
stranger_bot DeepBot
strapsbot DeepBot
strasbot DeepBot
strathgoosebot DeepBot
strauwenbot DeepBot
strawb3rrybot DeepBot
strawberrybunbot DeepBot
straydogin DeepBot
strayedbot DeepBot
strayzbot DeepBot
straznik_kurnika DeepBot
streakzbot DeepBot
streambird_deepbot DeepBot
streamcentralbot DeepBot
streamerhino DeepBot
streamincbot DeepBot
streaminggrandpa DeepBot
streaming_bot_01 DeepBot
streamlittelhelper DeepBot
streammini0n DeepBot
streamrobotti DeepBot
streamtechnician DeepBot
streamverwaltung DeepBot
streamwache DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.