Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
stejacbot DeepBot
stelibot DeepBot
stellab0t DeepBot
stelthbot DeepBot
stepsombra DeepBot
sterbebot DeepBot
sternchenbot96 DeepBot
sternenbot__ DeepBot
sternobot DeepBot
steroidmerchant DeepBot
stesusabot DeepBot
steuermannbot DeepBot
steveandjodipikabot DeepBot
steven5297nortonbot DeepBot
stevenedley_bot DeepBot
stevethebunbot DeepBot
stevie_bot DeepBot
steward_buddy DeepBot
stgrumxander DeepBot
stickbot505 DeepBot
sticky DeepBot
stickymzbot DeepBot
sticky_bot DeepBot
stick_at_you DeepBot
stick_bot DeepBot
sticsbot DeepBot
stifflerbot DeepBot
stigbot51 DeepBot
stiggbotta DeepBot
stigitvbot DeepBot
stigstreambot DeepBot
stimmeausdemkeller DeepBot
stinabot DeepBot
stinasmombot DeepBot
stingbot6000 DeepBot
stinger_bot DeepBot
stinger_bot_supreme DeepBot
stitcheddolly_bot DeepBot
stitch_bot DeepBot
stitch_fluffy_bot DeepBot
stivler_bot DeepBot
stixybot DeepBot
stockmod DeepBot
stojakbot DeepBot
stokerbot DeepBot
stokesbot1 DeepBot
stomp_bot DeepBot
stonecoldbott DeepBot
stonegolembot DeepBot
stonerbot121 DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.