Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
staffseargenttryhard DeepBot
stagecrewbot DeepBot
stainedbot DeepBot
stainkbot DeepBot
stalker_bot_ DeepBot
stalonebot DeepBot
standupbot DeepBot
stankbott DeepBot
stan_bot DeepBot
staplesbot DeepBot
stapsen DeepBot
starbeebot DeepBot
starbot32 DeepBot
starbot966 DeepBot
starbotdecepticon DeepBot
stargameslpbot DeepBot
starlenabot DeepBot
starlinebot DeepBot
starr91bot DeepBot
starshipconnecticutbot DeepBot
starskarl DeepBot
starsqueen_bot DeepBot
starsukb0t DeepBot
staryj_s_schatten DeepBot
stary_dziad DeepBot
starz_bot DeepBot
static585bot DeepBot
staticinsane DeepBot
stationsecuritybot DeepBot
statistbot DeepBot
stayp0sitive_ DeepBot
staypositive__ DeepBot
steadypicturesgamingbot DeepBot
steadysbot DeepBot
stealingyobot DeepBot
stealnobot DeepBot
stealsoulbot DeepBot
stealzbot DeepBot
steampunkphoenixbot DeepBot
steampunk_bot DeepBot
steamymachine DeepBot
steam_bot DeepBot
steckerbot DeepBot
steebot DeepBot
steelsbot DeepBot
steezebot DeepBot
steezitw DeepBot
steezlebot DeepBot
steffen_the_bandiit DeepBot
stefferto DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.